I have a long history of being disorganized. Iconically, in sixth grade, my math teacher asked me to show her my planner everyday after class because I never seemed to know what was going on. Of course, since she never told me to stop (or she did and I didn't write it down), I kept doing so until the end of the year and didn't find out until my senior year of high school that she took my ignorance to mean I was extra dedicated.
At my boss's wise urging, I finally got a real adult day planner, although it took me awhile because I kept forgetting. Lists keep popping up all over my life -- I send out a schedule of my work week every Monday, keep spreadsheets of journalists and Public Information Requests, curse myself when I go to the grocery store without a list and end up buying all the wrong things. They've even spilled over into my spiritual life; my Tuesday night Bible study made lists of five things Christians do, and each member of AYAVA house is starting a Benedictine-style schedule of prayers (I'm including both of them after the jump).
I never really thought of God as a "list-person," not that God would really have to be, being omniscient and all. Watching organizational skills play into my spiritual life is exciting, although unexpected. Turns out I should have listened to my parents for all those years (who would have thought!).
Five Things Christians Do
1. Develop a personal relationship with our God
2. Recognize and celebrate the salvific nature of Jesus the Christ
3. Engage with the Holy Spirit
4. Worship, as a body, the Triune God
5. Endeavor to follow God's will
Prayer Schedule
Lauds/wake-up (7:45 am) -- praise for the morning
Prime/bus ride to work (9:15 am) -- looking ahead to the day, ask for strength and guidance in each task
Terce/lunch (12 noon) -- ten to twenty minutes of peace, mindfulness, and oneness with God
Sext/coffee break (3 pm) -- prayers for energy to finish the day, praise of God's tangible goodness
None/bus ride home (5:15 pm) -- reflection over the day with God, prayers for improvement
Vespers/dinnertime (7 pm) -- prayers for aid and for the world, confession, thanksgiving for whatI have
Vigils/bedtime (10 pm) -- thanksgiving for the day, recognition that God is in control and loves me immeasurably, turning over my life to God
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