Tuesday, July 10, 2012


On Wednesday, July 4, I was commissioned by the General Assembly to serve as a missionary of the PCUSA.  It wasn't until I was actually up there on stage with half a dozen other YAVs that I realized that I was, in fact, undertaking a life as a missionary.  It seems so un-Presbyterian -- we don't really do the whole "saving souls" thing -- so I've been reflecting on it every since.

First of all, "saving" someone is only God's job, and I know I have nothing to do with it.  But beyond that, I have no intention of going out and trying to bring people into the flock; all I've ever wanted to do as a YAV was serve.  To be a servant.  To do whatever needs to be done, whether I'm pastoring to unjustly detained immigrants or making photocopies and cleaning floors.

And so, I've decided, this is the Presbyterian version of the Great Commission: Jesus calls us into the world to bring the Word, and the Word is love.  It does no good to tell people how much they are loved if you can't show them.

May more than the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to God -- may the work of my hands be God's instrument as well.

Peace of Christ

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